Saturday 21 July 2012

8 Must-Read Tips for Summer Dieting 

1.      Stay Hydrated , Keep a bottle of water with you at all times, and sip from it frequently. Your body will thank you… and you’ll be a lot less likely to overeat if you’re not thirsty.

2. Enjoy in-season Fruits! You’ll be filled with fiber, and you’ll have lots of energy for your fun summer pursuits, without the calories other, less healthy snacks, would have provided.

 3. Skip The Smoothie , If you’re buying a smoothie from a stand or restaurant, check the ingredients and ask for nutrition information to make sure you’re not wrecking your diet when you thought you were sticking to it.

4. Ban Fast Food , Did you know that one fast food combo meal can contain all of the calories you’re supposed to eat in an entire day? And most of those calories are from fat

5. Satisfying Salads , Why not try a nice, crisp summer salad, loaded with healthy greens and topped with veggies? Skip the extra calories in croutons and cheese and bacon bits, and choose fat-free or reduced-calorie dressing (or go without)

6. Eat Smaller Meals, More Often , There’s a small breakfast, a light snack, then lunch, another snack, and dinner. Eating these small meals will keep you from feeling hungry, and will keep your metabolism rocking all day.

7. Eat Slowly , Did you know that our brains don’t register the fact that our stomachs are full for as many as ten minutes? So slow down, chew your food, and enjoy your meal, pausing now and again to see if you’re full yet

 8. Don’t Skip Meals , If you skip a meal, you’ll be more likely to stuff yourself silly at your next sitting, undoing all your hard diet work for that entire day. Skipping a meal will also slow your metabolism, which is the opposite of what you want!

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