Saturday 21 July 2012

10 Worst Foods to Eat before Bed 

1.     Coffee , That caffeine is a stimulant, so it’ll keep you awake, but it’s also a diuretic, which means you’ll be up and down to relieve your busy bladder all night.

2.      Chocolate , dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants, but it also contains caffeine, and a lot of sugar, which will also give you a buzz you just don’t need when you’re trying to relax, unwind, and doze off.

3. Cheese , its heavy in your tummy while you’re trying to sleep, even if you’re not intolerant. Enjoy the cheese and crackers earlier in the evening.

 4. Spicy Thai , The spicy peppers and other ingredients may cause heartburn, and for some, they’ll even give an unexpected energy boost.

5 . Cookies, Cake, Ice Cream , it’s a good idea to avoid sweets before bed. The sugar will get you all buzzed up. Try a naturally sweet alternative, like a handful of fresh berries or an apple instead.

6. Hamburger , Trust me, nothing will sit as heavy in your stomach as you’re trying to sleep than a big, greasy hamburger. It’s almost guaranteed to give you heartburn, too.

7. Alcohol , did you know as soon as the alcohol works its way out of your bloodstream in a few hours, you’ll experience a wake-up, stimulant effect? It’s best to avoid alcohol 4 to 6 hours before bed for just this exact reason .

8. Beans , Beans are an excellent source of protein and fiber, but sweetie, don’t eat them before bed! They’ll make you gassy, for sure, and that’s a horrible way to spend the night.

9. Soda , they’re all loaded with sugary high fructose corn syrup. Stop drinking soda at mid-day to avoid staring at the ceiling, wishing you could sleep.

10. French Fries , First of all, the grease from the fries may end up on your jammies, fingers, and face, requiring another bed-time beauty ritual. Also, the grease will sit heavy in your tummy as you try to sleep… avoid the fries at bed-time.


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