Wednesday 1 August 2012

9 Worst Fashion Mistakes a Girl Can Make  

1. Showing Too Much ,  Showing too much of anything doesn’t make you look sexy! Furthermore, it’s one of the worst fashion mistakes in my book and pretty much any book out there.

2. “Muffin tops”,  Having a bit of a problem with those hated “love handles” and being a total fan of low rise jeans I have, too, been tempted to say “Oh, what the heck” and ignore that fleshy overflow. Not a good road to take at all, ladies, so do take my advice and don’t let this fashiaon faux pas ever leave your rooms.

3. Being Stuck in past , Some get stuck in their teens, refusing to let go of spaghetti strap tees, some are clinging to a certain image of themselves not fully realizing they need to readjust their focus and maybe experiment with different shapes and cuts and there are even some that favor a certain period of time and its fashion, refusing to go with the flow.

4. Improper Fit ,  Next on my list of worst fashion mistakes is, of course, wearing clothes that don’t fit right! Too large, too small – it doesn’t really matter, the point is that both can and do look bad and, even worse, make you look bad.

5.Poor Choice of Materials, Although synthetic materials are generally a valid choice for evening attire not to mention quite a popular ingredient of many well made blends, there comes a time in every woman’s life when she really has to start paying attention to the inner labels, basing her choice on the quality of fabrics used to create a garment in question

6. Bling Overload,  Playing up your outfit with a couple of carefully chosen pieces of jewelry is a definite DO and I really admire women who have a talent for mixing and matching and are always capable of pulling off a new trend perfectly.

7. Obviously Fake Tan,  Tanning booths, airbrush and DIY at-home solutions are all some pretty cool inventions you can go ahead and use in case your fair complexion makes you feel uncomfortable at times. Yet, there’s a strict line between “using” and “abusing” and it’s not a thin one either!

8. Dirty Shoes ,  Do I even need to go into explaining why this had to end up on my list of worst fashion mistakes? I think not! It’s a big no-no for a man, ask any girl, and it should be a definite do-not-going-to-happen for a woman too with the only excuses that can ever hope to quality as “good” being rain, snow and storm.

9. Black And Brown , New year, new trend, new fashion rules yet years come and go, rules are broken and the one about black and brown not being colors you’d want to block remains! And for a good reason, if I may add – these two colors might even look okay in a pattern but you should never ever pair your black shoes with a brown bag and vice versa.

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