Friday 24 August 2012

8 Ways to Apply Makeup Faster …

1. Mascara

mascara can take forever, but if you make sure to keep your brush clean (clean it at night before you go to bed, that’s how I do it!), it’ll not only make applying your mascara easier but it’ll go faster! Just a bit of mascara can also go a very long way and you might even be able to forget about any other eye makeup! This is definitely one of the ways on how to apply makeup faster that’s saved me a few times!
2. Swipe of Eyeshadow
If you do have a few extra moments, why not just do a small swipe of eyeshadow? An eyeshadow brush really helps and can actually dictate how much eyeshadow you put on and where it goes. This is another way on how to apply makeup faster that’s worked for me so many times!

3. Lip Gloss

Lip gloss is so much easier to put on than lipstick. With lipstick, there are so many different steps and you can actually get caught up on the color. With lip gloss, you can even put it on in the car, which makes it so much faster!
4. Powder Vs. Foundation
What I found myself getting caught up on when I was trying to find ways on how to apply makeup faster is the foundation. Foundation can take a while to blend in and to truly put on. Well ladies, why not skip the foundation and go with a bit of powder instead? It totally works!

5. Eyelash Curler

Did you sleep in and don’t even have time for mascara but still want your eyelashes to look beautiful? Try an eyelash curler! An eyelash curler will curl your eyelashes up and truly make them look beautiful!
6. Smudged Eyeliner
Don’t have time for a swipe of eyeshadow? That’s okay! Smudged eyeliner looks just great too! It’s also wicked fashionable right now and very in. This is another way on how to apply makeup faster that’s great for the office or when you are running late!
7. Cream Blush
Don’t want to worry about which blush is going to go with your complexion or how it looks? Why not try a bit of cream blush? Not only does it go on faster, but it’s also super easy – you could even put a bit on in the car!
8. Choose Easy Colors
Finally ladies, the last tip on how to apply makeup faster all revolves around your color choices. When you are in a hurry, leave the bolder colors at home and really go with easier colors.
There you have it ladies! The top ways on how to apply makeup faster! So – have you ever had to use any of these tips on how to apply makeup faster? Do you have anymore that have worked for you?

For more beauty tips and products check the following site:

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